This webinar will answer the following questions:
- How to build a Linux platform, include an application and debug it seamlessly,
- How to master your Linux platform to optimize it to your needs and gain independence,
- Why Embedded Linux platform building must take into account the whole system and application development life cycle,
- How the integration of System Workbench for Linux and System Workbench for STM32 will simplify assymetric multicore system development and debug,
- How Ac6, can help you in your Linux Embedded projects,
- How to jumpstart your first project with System Workbench for Linux.
Agenda :
- The benefits of System Workbench for Linux with respect to open-source tools like Buildroot or YOCTO,
- Tool presentation and showcasing using an Avenger96 board based on the STM32MP1 assymetric multicore MPU from STMicroelectronics
- Prallel multicore debugging of an assymetric application running on both the Cortex-A7 under Linux and the Cortex-M4
- 2020 Roadmap:
- Real-time plugin: Measurement of execution time of functions, on Linux (Cortex-A7), FreeRTOS and Baremetal (Cortex-M4)
- Security: Generating and deploying highly secured Linux images
- Linux Drivers: Kernel and driver debug and creation wizard
- Trainings and associated services.